Thursday, September 17, 2009


Vinegar who would have thunk it. I was sitting there thinking about how if vinegar softens the water in the wash why would it not work in the dishwasher. I turned to the kitchen section and there it was. All you do is add Distilled White Vinegar to the rinse plate or the spot that you normally put your jet dry. White Vinegar is $2 a gallon Jet dry $3 for a small bottle.

When It Worked. I now have spot free dishes. They are crystal clear. Jet Dry did not work this well. I highly recommenced this. And its not a chemical.

Friday, September 11, 2009


So as some of you know we have been in an on going battle to get my thyroid levels at a normal or regular level. Well today I went to the doctors and he gave us the news that all looked good and the numbers were starting to stay level. So my next appointment is 9-11-2010
Sweet I know.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Once a week we dig out the finger paints and I let the boys paint. They both love it. Ethan asks everyday to paint and Holland loves to splash. They are so cute and it keeps them occupied for thirty minuets to an hour.