Saturday, May 9, 2009


So I have been thinking about how hard it is to eat the same thing week after week. We have been on a food budget of $40 a week. This has been hard and we have pretty much the same meals every week. This summer I want to try a new recipe every week. We do our grocery shopping on Monday because there are just way to many people at Walmart on Saturday. I have scrounged around for some recipes to get me started. This week I wanted to use some of our fresh basil. So I am going to try to make and if I fail and it tastes horrible we will have romen. Will post the recipes and how we liked it as we go along.


  1. Did you ever look at the 99 cent Only store produce? And check out Sunflower Market on Wednesdays. They have double-ad Wednesdays and EVERYTHING is on sale. Let me know if you need some cheap recipes... I have a ton.

  2. oh, me too! i have tons of cheap dinnrs and short cuts! when me and tony had isaac, our budget was 100 per month...tony swears we ate the best at that time, so i really do have some quick cheap meals that can roll over to other meals!

  3. sound great let me know some of your great recipies i love to try new things. this sounds like a fun goual. love ya
