Thursday, June 25, 2009

Time Out

Yesterday afternoon Ethan Wanted to play with a toy that Holland had so he took it. When I made him give it back he started to throw a fit. I told him that we don't throw fits and asked him if he wanted to sit on time out. He of course said no. I told him that if he did it again (Taking the toy and throwing a fit when he had to give it back) he would sit on time out. He acknowledged that and I turned around to pick up some toys.

When I turned back Ethan had decided to take the toy again. I told him to give it back and he started to throw a fit. He looked at me and ran back to his room. I follow him back there and he is sitting on the rocking chair with his arms folded.

This is our conversation:
ME: Ethan what are you doing?
ETHAN: Indie sit time out.

I walk to get the door because McKenzie is there and Ethan starts howling at the thought that the toy is leaving. I decide to let him off so he can say goodbye to Holland.

ME: Ethan are you ready to get up?
Ethan: Yes Dano.
ME: OK come here.
ETHAN: OK Dano. I sorry Dano.
ME: Are you going to be a good boy for me?
ETHAN: Indie be good boy

He walks out to the front room and gives Holland a hug and says hes sorry to him too. I love the fact that he is so willing to learn to say sorry. He is such a sweet little boy.

1 comment:

  1. it's so fun to talk to him but i don't always hear what he says.
