Yesterday I was working on numbers, letters, and colors with Ethan.
Up to this point all numbers have been "two". I understand that some children will get stuck and say only one number or letter, but yesterday we had a break through. He can now say "Two", "Five", and "Six". and if you ask him to piont to any number lower than six he knows which one is what.
Colors he has learned "Yellow" and "Blue" in the past two weeks and we are now working on red. He will get there. He has this special desk that his aunts boyfriend made him. We sit there and do edgucational stuff.

His alphabit is coming along great. He can say all his letters other than "v" and "w" in order with a little guidance. His dad asked me if that was good or average. I dont know but I thought it was pritty good for a kid thats not even two yet.

that is a hard one my dear they do grow up but like a dear freind said to me once learn to love all ages and they will always be a joy to you. it was sister bake in idaho she love teens they were her favorit. Im glad you love your job. you are so good with children. you would make a good teacher. have a great day love ya love mom